A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J Maas ★★★★★

#1 New York Times bestselling A Court of Thorns and Roses series

Only you can decide what breaks you, Cursebreaker. Only you.

When you erupt, girl, make sure it is felt across worlds.

I have one word to describe this novel (and series): INSANE. 

Incredibly insane. From the moment I opened the novel's front cover to the final lingering moments at its epilogue and final pages, my emotions were on a racing rollercoaster. 

A Court of Wings and Ruin (2017) is the final book of Sarah J. Maas's A Court of Thorns and Roses series, and ever since I finished the previous book, I was longing to return to the world of Feyre and Rhysand and all the story's beautiful and thrilling magic. 

My magic of threes for this magical novel: 


This novel will steal your breath. Whether you're on a battle field with courageous Cassian, watching the stars of Velaris with Rhysand, or playing out a nerve-racking visit to the Bone Carver, this novel is action-packed and remains eventful from beginning to end. Each moment introduces new plot twists and interesting character developments, which gives the reader an exhilarating and adventurous reading journey. Thread carefully, readers. Thread carefully.


I feared the spark of the pervious novel would be dulled or feel almost recycled in this continuation of the series, but the amount of times I found myself laughing out loud and grinning is a testament to the fact that my doubts were out of order. This novel is hilarious and full of the familiar witty commentary and dialogue found in the previous novel. The characters continue to present new traits, and the novel further explores amusing and intriguing character dynamics. If you read this in public or in the company of others... consider yourself warned. They might glance funny looks your way.


So crazy addicting. This book and fantasy world will keep your mind occupied not only when you're reading it, but also when you've set it down for a break. I can't remember the last time I found myself this obsessed with a novel. The characters and character developments, the description of the Courts, and the thrilling plot is a unique experience. Say some time for yourself for recovery from the book-hangover.

All in all, this novel is brilliant, and I cannot wait to read more of Sarah J. Maas. If you decide to read this series, do not be put off by the first novel, which is mediocre and 'just alright'  (definitely not fantastic), because the next novels in the series are so much fun!

Enjoy this one, dear readers. 

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